
The verify() function checks the Signature and Signature-Input headers of an HTTP request or response to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the data sent between clients and servers.

The Signature header contains the signature of the HTTP message, and the Signature-Input header contains the components that were used to generate the signature.

Verify Callback

This library does not provide any cryptographic functionality. Instead, it relies on a callback function to verify the HTTP message signature. The callback function must:

  1. Take the signed data as a string
  2. Take the signature as an Uint8Array
  3. Take the additional parameters as an object
  4. Returns an item if the signature is valid, or throws an error if the signature is invalid.

The item that’s returned by the verify callback function will be returned by the verify() function.


import { verify } from '@ltonetwork/http-message-signatures';

const verifyCallback = async (data, signature, params) => {
  const account = await getAccount(params.keyid);
  // ... Verify the signature using your preferred cryptographic library
  if (!valid) throw new Error('Invalid signature');
  return account;

const request = {
  method: 'GET',
  url: '',
  headers: {
    'Signature-Input': 'sig1=("@method" "@path" "@authority");created=1618884475;keyid="test-key";alg="hmac-sha256"',
    'Signature': 'sig1=:base64signature:'

(async () => {
  try {
    const account = await verify(request, verifyCallback);
    console.log('Verification succeeded');
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('Verification failed:', err.message);

For platform-specific examples on how to verify HTTP messages, refer to the following guides:

Verifying the Digest

When the Digest or Content-Digest header is present in an HTTP message, it’s crucial to verify it to ensure the integrity of the message body. The Signature header only message headers as components. The Digest header allows you to compare the received hash with the hash you calculate from the message body. If the hashes match, you can be confident that the message body has not been tampered with during transit.

Verifying the Digest header is outside the scope of this library, but examples on how to do this can be found in the Node.js and Browser guides.

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