Signing in the Browser

This guide demonstrates how to sign HTTP messages using the SubtleCrypto API.


In the browser, you can create a Signer object using the SubtleCrypto API. The following example shows how to create a SignerHmac class that implements the required properties and methods for a Signer.

import { encode as base64UrlEncode } from 'base64url';

class SignerHmac {
  alg = 'hmac-sha256';

  constructor(key, keyid = 'test-key') {
    this.key = key;
    this.keyid = keyid;
  async getKey() {
    const keyData = new TextEncoder().encode(this.key);
    const algorithm = { name: 'HMAC', hash: 'SHA-256' };
    return await crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', keyData, algorithm, false, ['sign']);

  async sign(data) {
    const encoded = new TextEncoder().encode(data);
    const key = await this.getKey();
    const signature = await crypto.subtle.sign('HMAC', key, encoded);
    return new Uint8Array(signature);

const signer = new SignerHmac('your-secret-key', 'test-key');

Now you have a signer object that can be used with the sign() function to sign HTTP messages.

Signing a message

To sign a request or response in the browser, use the sign() function with the SignerHmac created above.

import { sign } from '@ltonetwork/http-message-signatures';

const request = new Request('', { method: 'GET' });

(async () => {
  await sign(request, { signer });       // Adds Signature and Signature-Input headers
  const response = await fetch(request); // Send the signed request using the fetch API

The signed request will have the following headers:

Signature-Input: sig1=("@method","@target-uri"); keyid="test-key"; created=1625653823
Signature: sig1=:4VYMyeX0tNLQ7opuAJeMECP3HgfLswAG3n+IqQprO0Q=:

You can specify the components to sign using the components option. For more information, see Signing Components.


To secure the integrity of the HTTP request or response body, you can use the Digest header. This header contains a hash of the message body.

Before signing the HTTP message, you’ll need to create the digest and add it to the headers. To create a Digest header using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm and the SubtleCrypto API:

  1. Calculate the SHA-256 hash of the response body.
  2. Encode the hash in Base64 format.
  3. Add the Digest header to the response headers with the format Digest: SHA-256=<Base64EncodedHash>.

Here is an example of how to create a digest for an HTTP response with Content-Type: application/json and body {"hello":"world"}.

const responseBody = JSON.stringify({ hello: 'world' });
const encodedBody = new TextEncoder().encode(responseBody);

const digestBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', encodedBody);
const digestArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(digestBuffer));
const digestBase64 = btoa( => String.fromCharCode(b)).join(''));

const response = {
  status: 200,
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Digest': `SHA-256=${digestBase64}`,
  body: responseBody,

After adding the Digest header to the HTTP response, include the digest component when signing the response. The default response components are ['@status', 'content-type', 'digest'].

const components = ['@status', 'content-type', 'digest'];

(async () => {
  const signedResponse = await sign(response, { signer, components });
  // ... Send the signed response to the client