API Reference

This API reference provides detailed documentation for the methods exposed through index.ts. It covers the following:

  • Message types
  • sign
  • verify
  • parseAcceptSignature
  • base64

Message types


RequestLike is an interface with the following properties:

  • method: string - The HTTP method of the request.
  • url: string - The URL of the request.
  • headers: Headers - The request headers.

Express request objects and the Request class of the Fetch API are examples of objects that implement the RequestLike interface.


ResponseLike is an interface with the following properties:

  • status: number - The HTTP status code of the response.
  • headers: Headers - The response headers.

Express response objects and the Response class of the Fetch API are examples of objects that implement the ResponseLike interface.


Headers can be an object with header names as keys and header values as values. The header names are case-insensitive.

Alternatively, Headers can be a map of header names to header values. Getting a header by name should be case-insensitive, or the header should be lowercase.

interface HeadersMap {
  get(name: string): string | null;
  set(name: string, value: string): void;

type Headers = Record<string, string> | HeadersMap;


The sign function is used to sign a given message (either request or response) using the provided options.

function sign<T extends RequestLike | ResponseLike>(message: T, opts: SignOptions): Promise<T>;

Sign options

The following options can be given:

  • signer: Signer | LTOAccount - The signer or LTOAccount used for signing the message.
  • components: string[] (optional) - Components used for signing the message.
  • key: string (optional) - The key used for signing the message. Defaults to “sig1”.
  • created: Date (optional) - The date used for signing the message. Defaults to the current date.
  • expires: Date (optional) - The expiration date used for signing the message. Defaults to no expiration.
  • nonce: string (optional) - A unique value to prevent replay attacks.
  • tag: string (optional) - An application-specific identifier for the signature.
  • ...params (optional): Any other options will be treated as custom parameters and included in the signature input string.

Signer interface

The Signer interface is used to sign a message using a private key.

  • The sign method is used to sign the message. The private key is not passed, it must already be part of sign().
  • The alg property is used to identify the algorithm used for signing the message.
  • The keyid property is used to identify the key during verification. The verifier must be able to retrieve the public key corresponding to the keyid.
interface Signer {
  sign(message: Uint8Array): Uint8Array | Promise<Uint8Array>;
  alg: string;
  keyid: string;


The verify function is used to verify the signature of a given message (either request or response) using the provided verifier or LTO instance.

function verify<T>(message: RequestLike | ResponseLike, verifier: Verify<T> | LTO<T>): Promise<T>;

Verify callback

The verifier is a callback is used to verify the signature of a given message. It must throw an error if the signature is invalid. Otherwise, it may return any value. That value will be returned by the verify function.

export type Verify<T> = (data: string, signature: Uint8Array, params: Parameters) => T | Promise<T>;


The parseAcceptSignature function is used to parse the ‘Accept-Signature’ header from an HTTP message.

function parseAcceptSignature(header: HeaderValue): {
  key: string;
  components: Component[];
  parameters: Parameters;


The base64 module provides utility functions for encoding and decoding base64 strings.


The encode function takes a Uint8Array and returns a base64 encoded string.

function encode(data: Uint8Array): string;


The decode function takes a base64 encoded string and returns a Uint8Array.

function decode(data: string): Uint8Array;