This guide will help you install the @ltonetwork/http-message-signatures library in your project. It works both in Node.js and in the browser.
To install the library in a Node.js project, you can use npm or yarn.
Using npm
Run the following command in your project directory:
npm install @ltonetwork/http-message-signatures
Using yarn
Run the following command in your project directory:
yarn add @ltonetwork/http-message-signatures
To use the library in the browser, you can either use a bundler like webpack or add the library as a script tag.
Using a bundler
Install the library as described in the Node.js section. Then, import the library in your JavaScript code:
import * as HttpMessageSignatures from '@ltonetwork/http-message-signatures';
Adding as a script tag
Download the pre-built UMD version of the library and include it in your HTML file using a script tag:
<script src="path/to/http-message-signatures.min.js"></script>
This will expose the library as a global variable named HttpMessageSignatures
Next Steps
After installing the library, you can learn how to sign and verify HTTP messages by following the Signing Guide and the Verifying Guide.