
When a client sends an HTTP request, it may include an Accept-Signature header to indicate the preferred components and parameters to be used when signing the response. The parseAcceptSignature function can be used to extract the key, components, and parameters from the Accept-Signature header. This information can then be used to sign the HTTP response appropriately.

Accept-Signature: sig1=("@method" "@target-uri" "@authority" "content-type" "digest"); keyid="test-key";created;tag="app-123"

Parsing the Accept-Signature Header

You can use the parseAcceptSignature function to extract the key, components, and parameters from the Accept-Signature header. Here’s an example:

import { parseAcceptSignature } from 'http-message-signatures';

const acceptSignatureHeader = 'sig1=("@method" "@target-uri" "@authority" "content-type" "digest"); keyid="test-key";created;tag="app-123"';
const { key, components, parameters } = parseAcceptSignature(acceptSignatureHeader);

In this example, the key, components, and parameters extracted from the Accept-Signature header are:

  • key = "sig1"
  • components = ["@method", "@target-uri", "@authority", "content-type", "digest"]
  • parameters = { keyid: "test-key", created: true, tag: "app-123" }

Signing the HTTP Response

Once you have extracted the key, components, and parameters from the Accept-Signature header, you can use them to sign the HTTP response.

For example, you can sign the response using the extracted components and parameters:

import { sign, parseAcceptSignature } from 'http-message-signatures';

const acceptSignatureHeader = 'sig1=("@method" "@target-uri" "@authority" "content-type" "digest"); keyid="test-key";created;tag="app-123"';
const { key, components, parameters } = parseAcceptSignature(acceptSignatureHeader);

const response = {
  status: 200,
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Digest': 'SHA-256=someBase64EncodedHash'
  body: '{"hello":"world"}'

const signer = /* an instance of a Signer object */;

if (parameters.created === true) parameters.created = Math.floor( / 1000);
if (parameters.expires === true) parameters.expires = Math.floor( / 1000) + 3600;

const signedResponse = await sign(response, { signer, key, components, parameters });

This will sign the HTTP response using the components and parameters specified in the Accept-Signature header.